Hi reader,
Here I'm posing some questions asked and its solution / key in EIL Management
Trainee recruitment test in July 2012.
All the information is collected from my freinds..!!!
The Test comprises of 150 questions eacxh carrying 1 mark . for each wrong answer 0.25 marks will be deducted.
Technical section(100 qustions)
General Awareness
Aptitude questions
English.(Non technical 50 questions)
General awareness section had some questions based on current affais , especiall on
April 2012( note Exam held on July 2012)
* Name of the British Citizn caputred by Maoists recently.
* Richter scale reading of the drastic earthquake hit in Sumara islends recently
( 8.7, 8, 7.1, None of these)
*Name of the satellite successfully launched in April 2012
* Name the Indian company successfully dveloped medicine for meningitis.
* During which period first five year plan was established?(1952-56)
* Indiragandhi award was bagged this year by?
..and some more...
English section comprised of this pattern of questions
* Spot the error.
* Pick the synonym
*Reading comprehension
Aptitude section contained questions from
*Profit percentage
*Ralative velocity
*Circular arrangement of 6 persons form 6 different countries.
*Rate of work done.
Here I'm posting some of the etchnical questions asked.
1.The datastructure in which values can be added form bith ends, not fron the
-- Dequeue
2. In a circular linked list if a new node is insertted, how many links will get modified?
(0 , 1, 2 , 3)
3. Find the hamming distance between 010011 and 101011
4. In software tesing which path will give maximum performance?
*Hamiltonian path
*Eulearian path
5. Which of the folloing will give the minimal path between a node S to other nodes in
a connected unweighted, undirested graph?
*Dijikstra algorith
*Warshalls algorithm
6. Which of the following is false about C?
*C has no I/O functions
*C has no File functions
* None of these
7. In a C progra main( int argc, cahr argv[]),
argv[0] indicates?
Ans-- Name of the C program
8. In a C code exit() will act for
Ans-- to exit from the current working function.
9. The uninitialized automatc variable in C contains?
Ans-- garbage value
10. The variables that ca be accessed fro any part of the program is called?
Ans-- Global variable
11. the unmodulated wave in data transmission is called?
- Carrier wave
12. End to end connection, error detection error correction are donr by?
-- Transport Layer
13.Encryption and Decrytption are done by?
-- Presentation Layer
14. what is Thrashing?
15. What is the maximum number of processes which ensure that no dead lock will
occur, if there are 6 tapes and each process demand for at most 2 tapes.
Ans: 3
16. Bankers alogithm deals with?
-- Deadlock avoidance.
17. Spot the function of Type IV Firewall
18. What is Trojan?
19. what is Worm?
20. readability of a code can be enhance by?
-- Giving meaningful names to variables.
21. Any HTML code starts with?
22. We can align text in a teble o left by which code?
23. www belongs to which category?
*Local server
*Client server
*3 - tier architectre
24.Resolution of an image doesnt depend on?
-- bandwidth
25. Plotter image quality depends on repeatability and__________?
26. what is data warehosing?
27. File is?
collection of data
28. Phone number is an example of_?
29. If the input is larger than the field , then..
Ans-- actual input will be shortened.
30. Which of the following will depend on a high speed internet?
31. In a complete binary tree, if there are N leaves, total number of internal nodes will
32. If a inary tree is of 4 levels, total number of nodes will be
33. For a 3-ary tree, if there are 6 internal nodes, toal number of leaves will be?
34. What is the maximum number of fulll duplex connection with 10 hubs.
35. Networking will not depend upon
stateless end hubs
36. snowflake schema is related with?
37 Hub is related with?
Star Topology
38. One token policy is strictly followed by?
39. What is the advantage of OOP concept?
40. What is data hiding in C++
41. In a Lan connection each device is conneted using a cable and._________?
Interface card.
42. if new() is failed it will return?
*value 0
*Unexpected results
43. The return value of destructor is
-- Destructor has no return value
44return type of this function int fun ( char t, char u)
ans-- int
45. In stop and wait protocol, for sending N frames how many acknowledgemnets are
Ans -- N
46. QPSK with 16 levels, 4600bps the rate will be?
47. How many bit address are used in TCP/IP connction?
Here I'm posing some questions asked and its solution / key in EIL Management
Trainee recruitment test in July 2012.
All the information is collected from my freinds..!!!
The Test comprises of 150 questions eacxh carrying 1 mark . for each wrong answer 0.25 marks will be deducted.
Technical section(100 qustions)
General Awareness
Aptitude questions
English.(Non technical 50 questions)
General awareness section had some questions based on current affais , especiall on
April 2012( note Exam held on July 2012)
* Name of the British Citizn caputred by Maoists recently.
* Richter scale reading of the drastic earthquake hit in Sumara islends recently
( 8.7, 8, 7.1, None of these)
*Name of the satellite successfully launched in April 2012
* Name the Indian company successfully dveloped medicine for meningitis.
* During which period first five year plan was established?(1952-56)
* Indiragandhi award was bagged this year by?
..and some more...
English section comprised of this pattern of questions
* Spot the error.
* Pick the synonym
*Reading comprehension
Aptitude section contained questions from
*Profit percentage
*Ralative velocity
*Circular arrangement of 6 persons form 6 different countries.
*Rate of work done.
Here I'm posting some of the etchnical questions asked.
1.The datastructure in which values can be added form bith ends, not fron the
-- Dequeue
2. In a circular linked list if a new node is insertted, how many links will get modified?
(0 , 1, 2 , 3)
3. Find the hamming distance between 010011 and 101011
4. In software tesing which path will give maximum performance?
*Hamiltonian path
*Eulearian path
5. Which of the folloing will give the minimal path between a node S to other nodes in
a connected unweighted, undirested graph?
*Dijikstra algorith
*Warshalls algorithm
6. Which of the following is false about C?
*C has no I/O functions
*C has no File functions
* None of these
7. In a C progra main( int argc, cahr argv[]),
argv[0] indicates?
Ans-- Name of the C program
8. In a C code exit() will act for
Ans-- to exit from the current working function.
9. The uninitialized automatc variable in C contains?
Ans-- garbage value
10. The variables that ca be accessed fro any part of the program is called?
Ans-- Global variable
11. the unmodulated wave in data transmission is called?
- Carrier wave
12. End to end connection, error detection error correction are donr by?
-- Transport Layer
13.Encryption and Decrytption are done by?
-- Presentation Layer
14. what is Thrashing?
15. What is the maximum number of processes which ensure that no dead lock will
occur, if there are 6 tapes and each process demand for at most 2 tapes.
Ans: 3
16. Bankers alogithm deals with?
-- Deadlock avoidance.
17. Spot the function of Type IV Firewall
18. What is Trojan?
19. what is Worm?
20. readability of a code can be enhance by?
-- Giving meaningful names to variables.
21. Any HTML code starts with?
22. We can align text in a teble o left by which code?
23. www belongs to which category?
*Local server
*Client server
*3 - tier architectre
24.Resolution of an image doesnt depend on?
-- bandwidth
25. Plotter image quality depends on repeatability and__________?
26. what is data warehosing?
27. File is?
collection of data
28. Phone number is an example of_?
29. If the input is larger than the field , then..
Ans-- actual input will be shortened.
30. Which of the following will depend on a high speed internet?
31. In a complete binary tree, if there are N leaves, total number of internal nodes will
32. If a inary tree is of 4 levels, total number of nodes will be
33. For a 3-ary tree, if there are 6 internal nodes, toal number of leaves will be?
34. What is the maximum number of fulll duplex connection with 10 hubs.
35. Networking will not depend upon
stateless end hubs
36. snowflake schema is related with?
37 Hub is related with?
Star Topology
38. One token policy is strictly followed by?
39. What is the advantage of OOP concept?
40. What is data hiding in C++
41. In a Lan connection each device is conneted using a cable and._________?
Interface card.
42. if new() is failed it will return?
*value 0
*Unexpected results
43. The return value of destructor is
-- Destructor has no return value
44return type of this function int fun ( char t, char u)
ans-- int
45. In stop and wait protocol, for sending N frames how many acknowledgemnets are
Ans -- N
46. QPSK with 16 levels, 4600bps the rate will be?
47. How many bit address are used in TCP/IP connction?
Good job friend..Try to post answer keys of all Technical questions.. Lgge rho..
I think answer of 36th question may be ALL of THESE option Becoz Snowflake schema may be collection of fact tables and dimension tables. Plz verify it. M not sure about This one..
Pls post answers for General awareness
ThanQ for your Feedback.. Keep VisitinG..!! :)
EIL result declared...
plz mail me sample paper and cutoff marks of EIL 2012(arunkumar.iet1988@gmail.com)
plz mail me sample paper and cutoff marks of EIL 2012(arunkumar.iet1988@gmail.com)
sir, please tell me how can i apply for the EIL Recruitment, i am graduate pass.
Hello dear thanks for really informative description on the webpage. Will be thankful enough if you can provide me here the direct link from where i can check the eligibilty criteria for recntly released job notifications entitled as EIL Recruitment thanks.
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