Sunday, December 11

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Saturday, August 6


Hello all,

In this post we will discuss various technical questions (Computer Science) and answers asked in KERALA PSC examinations like computer programmer, computer science lecturer etc.
Hope this will be helpful. :)

The questions were asked in Programmer (145/2015) post.

1. SCSI stand for :
(A) Small Computer Systems Interface
 (B) Simple Component Systems Interface
(C) Simple Computer Systems Interface
(D) Small Component Systems Interface

Answer A
·         SCSI stands for  Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)
·         It is a set of  interface standards for attaching printers, disk drives, scanners and other peripherals to computers.
·         SCSI is pronounced as "skuzzy"

2. Which of the following is a logical extension of multiprogramming?
(A) Multi processing
(B) Multitasking
(C) Real time processing
(D) Distributed processing

Answer B
Remember these terms:
  • One or more programs reside in main memory.
  • Only one job is executed at a time.
  • When current job is blocked or terminated next job is picked.
  • Extension of  multiprogramming.
  • Multiple jobs are executed at same time by switching between them.
  • More than one physical processor is present.
  • At a time more than one program get CPU for execution
Allows multiple threads to run at same time.
Many users can access at same time.
Real-time processing
A processing system that needs to be completed within a fixed time frame. Real-time processing does not have to be fast
Eg: traffic lights, car engine control
Distributed computing
components are located on networked computers and they communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages

3. Which among the following is not an example of a Java wrapper class?
(A) Char 
(B) Integer
(C) Boolean
(D) Byte

Answer A
Wrapper class in java provides the mechanism to convert primitive into object and object into primitive.
Autoboxing: convert primitive to object
Unboxing: Convert object to primitive
Java has eight wrapper classes: Boolean, Character,  Byte, Short, Integer, Long,     Float and Double

4. Which one of the following is not an ACID property?
 (A) Atomicity
(B) Consistency
 (C) Isolation
(D) Dependency Preservation

Answer D

A DBMS should obey ACID properties to make the transactions correct.
ACID properties stand for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability
ACID property
Responsibility of
Either all tasks of the transaction are completed in the database, or none are.
Recovery manager /Transaction manager
Execution of a transaction must preserve the consistency of the database.
Eg: if a faulty money transfer program credits an amount less than it debited, the DBMS cannot detect it.
Users/ user programs.

Each transaction will be executed as if it is the only transaction in the system.
Concurrency control
The database should hold all its latest updates even if the system fails.
Recovery manager

5. Which among the following sorting method is also known as Bucket sorting?
(A) Radix sort
(B) Heap sort  
(C) Merge sort
(D) Quick sort

Answer A:
·         The initial pass of both RadixSort and BucketSort is exactly the same.
·         The elements put in buckets of incremental ranges (e.g. 0-9, 10-19, ... 90-99)
·         In the next pass, however, BucketSort sort these 'buckets' and appends sorted buckets into one array. However, RadixSort appends the buckets without further sorting and 're-buckets' it based on the second digit of the numbers.
·         Hence, BucketSort is more efficient for 'Dense' arrays,
·         RadixSort can handle sparse arrays well.

6. Which one of the following key is called the minimal super key?
 (A) Candidate key
 (B) Super key
(C) Primary key
(D) None
Answer A
•           Candidate key: A set of fields that can uniquely identify a tuple in a relation.
•           Super-key: A set of fields in which at least one member is a candidate key.
•           Primary key: One of the candidate keys which administrator has been selected to identify a tuple.

Unique key: The fields should not have duplicate values in same table. It can have null values.